Visualtis has developed the new ASEEDAR-TD’s website, which was presented last May 12, coinciding with the International Nurses Day....
The product (UNICBED) developed by Visualtis for the company Gomarco (leading manufacturer of mattresses), is a computer software that,...
Finally, after spending a finalist in Madrid, Coonectio has been chosen for the final to be held on 12,...
Participation in the INNOEMPLEA 2014 program
Visualtis has been selected within the INNOEMPLEA 2014 program, part of the State Program for Talent Development and Employability,...
We are pleased to announce that as part Visualtis portal technological innovations of the Chamber of Commerce Innocámaras Murcia....
La empresa murciana, experta en de desarrollo de software adquiere el know-how de la joven empresa experta en desarrollos...
VISUALTIS participa en el proyecto europeo uService dentro del programa ITEA2. Este proyecto_test_k proporcionará una plataforma para el fomento...
Murcia Tourism website renews its apperance
En Visualtis hemos renovado la página web de turismo de murcia para hacerla más dinámica, más intuitiva, más fácil...