Training Pill 06: Custom Hooks in React

During the past year and as part of our philosophy of continuous improvement, we have been conducting various shared-training sessions, in which our team members themselves share their knowledge, experiences and ideas…

Training Pill 05: Best Practices & Code Review

During the past year and as part of our philosophy of continuous improvement, we have been conducting various shared-training sessions, in which our team members themselves share their knowledge, experiences and ideas…

Training Pill 04: Application testing in React Native

During the past year and as part of our philosophy of continuous improvement, we have been conducting various shared-training sessions, in which our team members themselves share their knowledge, experiences and ideas…

Training Pill 02: Routines and channels in GO

During the past year and as part of our philosophy of continuous improvement, we have been conducting various shared-training sessions, in which our team members themselves share their knowledge, experiences and ideas…

Training Pill 01: Docker

During the past year and as part of our philosophy of continuous improvement, we have been conducting various shared-training sessions, in which our team members themselves share their knowledge, experiences and ideas…

Procesamiento del lenguaje natural

El procesamiento de lenguaje natural es un campo de las ciencias de la computación dedicado a las interacciones entre máquinas y humanos; en…

¡Temblad diseñadores!

Aplicaciones web que diseñan tu logotipo por un precio irrisorio, webs con recursos gráficos infinitos que permiten a cualquiera “diseñar” un flyer, un…

Meteor Admin

Hola a todos, En capítulos anteriores ya os hablé de un framework javascript llamado Meteor. Hoy os quiero hablar de un estupendo paquete…

GIT World: Uso de git reflog

Muy buenas, Hace tiempo que no escribo en la sección GIT World y hoy me ha pasado algo que tengo que compartir con…