23/12/2022 Training Pill 06: Custom Hooks in React During the past year and as part of our philosophy of continuous improvement, we have been conducting various shared-training...
16/12/2022 Training Pill 05: Best Practices & Code Review During the past year and as part of our philosophy of continuous improvement, we have been conducting various shared-training...
04/11/2022 Training Pill 04: Application testing in React Native During the past year and as part of our philosophy of continuous improvement, we have been conducting various shared-training...
28/10/2022 Training Pill 03: Unit testing in application deployment During the past year and as part of our philosophy of continuous improvement, we have been conducting various shared-training...
14/10/2022 Training Pill 02: Routines and channels in GO During the past year and as part of our philosophy of continuous improvement, we have been conducting various shared-training...
07/10/2022 Training Pill 01: Docker During the past year and as part of our philosophy of continuous improvement, we have been conducting various shared-training...
22/06/2022 ¡Temblad diseñadores! Aplicaciones web que diseñan tu logotipo por un precio irrisorio, webs con recursos gráficos infinitos que permiten a cualquiera...
22/06/2022 Posicionamiento Indoor usando Bluetooth Low Energy Los sistemas de balizas BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) se utilizan para implementar servicios de proximidad. Por ejemplo, cuando un...
22/06/2022 Mejoras en arquitecturas multiprocesador (I) ¡Hola! Soy Javier Ferrer. Acabo de incorporarme a Visualtis hace menos de una semana. Estoy terminando el grado en...
22/06/2022 Procesamiento del lenguaje natural El procesamiento de lenguaje natural es un campo de las ciencias de la computación dedicado a las interacciones entre... asistente virtualbuscadorNLPprocesamiento de lenguaje